Standards and Compliance
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
Our dedication to people starts with safety inside and outside of Sentry Equipment. This is why we have a complete dedication to maintaining safety standards and compliance.
Each employee-owner is dedicated to meeting these requirements through customer education, continuous improvement, and upholding ISO standards. Our focus on set quality goals ensures that we are up to date on domestic and internationally recognized standards as well as continuous improvement of our products.
Learn more about all of the standards and compliance we abide by for our product offerings below.
Have questions? Contact our team and we will be happy to discuss how compliance impacts your project.
Sentry Standards

Sampling Systems
ASME B31.1; ASTM D 5540; ASTM D 3370; ASTM D 1066; ASME PTC 19.11; CSA; EPRI; IAAPS
View Sampling Systems

Sampling Accessories
ASME B31.1; ASME B31.3; CRN; ASME Section VIII, Div. 1
View Sampling Accessories